We certainly understand that sticking to a budget can be extremely important when
booking a vacation. Did you know that there are several not-so-expensive
upgrades you can purchase that can really make a huge impact on the quality of your

Here are seven suggestions to upgrade your travel. Number 5 is a no brainer, at least from our point of view, and we have a whole other blog about it......
All of these suggestions are ways to elevate your travel experience, and even just one can make all the difference. Read on and when it's time to plan your next adventure, contact us and we'll be sure to offer you at least one option to upgrade.
1. Private airport transfers
Somehow there is nothing more relieving than passing through customs after
a long overnight flight to Europe and seeing a driver standing there with a sign
bearing your last name...and a smile! Your driver can help you to a nice, clean
sedan and be on the road to your accommodations with a cold bottle of water
in the time it takes to wait in the taxi line and try to communicate where you
need to go. In the Caribbean & Mexico, private transfers can be the difference
between a 30-minute direct ride to your resort and a 1 1⁄2 hour trip that stops
at 4 other hotels along the way. Why not splurge a little and start your vacation
off on the right foot?
2. Private sightseeing tours
You know how you arrive at some sites and see a mile-long line of folks waiting
to purchase tickets? Or a group of 30-40 “sheep” being herded around with a
shepherd tour guide holding an umbrella up in the air? If that looks like your
worst nightmare consider upgrading to a private tour guide. The cost can be
quite reasonable and the value you receive can be huge! You can move
quicker, learn more and focus on the sites and information you are really
interested in.
3. Premium Economy upgrades on your flights
Is Business or First-Class still a little bit out of your financial comfort zone? Why
not consider upgrading to Premium Economy on your flights? The cost can be
very reasonable and those few inches of extra room, and sometimes added
amenities, can make the difference between a comfortable journey and a
cramped nightmare.
4. Airport Lounges
Do you have a long layover along your travel route? Consider purchasing a
day-pass for your airline’s Airport Club Lounge. It can be a very civilized way to
spend a few hours and many include complimentary Wifi, snacks, beverages
(sometimes alcoholic as well) and comfortable seats in a quieter location.
Check to see if your Frequent flier program or Credit Card company offers you
any discounts or perks for admission!
5. Travel Insurance
Very simply put....Travel Insurance can be a lifesaver! Even if you swear that
you are going on your vacation NO MATTER WHAT, you can’t predict weather,
illness, injury, cancellations, or any of those other nasty surprises that can
come up when life happens. It should be budgeted into the cost of every
vacation. ‘Nuff said!
6. Upgrade that view
Sure, we understand that you may not spend a lot of time in the room at a resort,
or in your cabin on a cruise ship. But we do know that one of the most common
complaints we hear is about the view. At least check to see how much the
difference is to upgrade that view. You might find that it is a small price to pay
for waking up to that full-frontal sea view instead of the parking lot!
7. Pre- cruise extensions
Cruises usually start boarding around noon-ish on embarkation day, and
require that you be on board at least 2 hours before the ship departs. That
leaves a very short window of time to arrive, get checked in and safely
in your cabin. We ALWAYS recommend that my clients arrive at the port city the
night before departure....just to eliminate stress from all of the “what ifs” of
delayed or cancelled flights, major traffic jams in the interstate, etc. Most
cruises leave from remarkably interesting cities...why not arrive a day or two early and
see what they have to offer?
Being offered any or all of these small upgrades to your vacation is a HUGE part of
why using a travel professional (like US) is the way-to-go in travel planning. We know
how much each one of these suggestions can enhance your experience....and isn’t
that what you really want when you take that much-deserved vacation? A more
custom experience with added value? Dream Planning Pros can help you choose
the upgrades that brings the most bang-for-your-buck to your next travel
experience....because, YOU ARE TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!!