Although we aren't able to move freely for our travel desires, we can still dream, and plan.
Travel restrictions won’t last forever. Where are you dreaming of going?

Having to stay home during the pandemic isn’t easy for anyone. Even if you are getting good things from the slowed pace or are finding unexpected joy in the quiet — this time can still be a time of restlessness, uncertainty, and anxiety. You probably know someone (maybe yourself!) who had to cancel a destination wedding, a summer vacation, or a trip they’d been anticipating for months or even years.
If you’re someone who loves to travel, restricted movement can feel especially discouraging. Travel isn’t just about going places. It’s about the entire experience, the anticipation, the joy, about who you are and who you become when you visit someplace new.
There can be a real sorrow in the letting go, especially amidst so many other changes and unknowns. One thing we’ve heard a lot of people saying is, I wish I hadn’t put off taking that trip I always wanted to take.
But believe it or not, now is a great time to be planning your post-Corona-celebration trip.
There are a few reasons that this downtime is the ideal time to give us a call and get started planning the vacation of your dreams.
1. The travel restrictions won’t last forever. We know it can feel like it when you’re staring down weeks or months of having your biggest excursions be to the grocery store! But this is an event with an end. Beginning to dream and plan now can be a wonderful way to nurture hope and excitement, and to keep your mind focused on all the good things that will be possible again.
2. There are many deals to be had. All around the world, resorts and venues and restaurants and parks are just as eager to have you return as you are to get out into the world again. They want you to visit, and they are ready to offer incredible deals. As your agent, we have access to discounts and VIP perks that these businesses are waiting to offer.
3. It’s easy to build in travel protections when you book. You don’t have to worry about losing money if something comes up. Many airlines and resorts are offering no-fee cancellations or adjustments. They know these are unusual times, and they want to be as flexible as possible. Remember: they want your business!
One of the many amazing gifts of traveling is that it teaches us resilience, curiosity, and how to find joy in the little things.
Wherever you are right now, we encourage you to embrace this moment and start dreaming of your next adventure. When we emerge again, imagine the new appreciation we’ll have for things like bustling cafes, sunlit beaches, and just being able to interact face to face again. There are so many beautiful things ahead.
If you’re ready to get started, you can find us here. We can’t wait to hear from you and start planning your next adventure!