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A little effort goes a long way

DPP Travel

When most people are planning a vacation to a different country, language barriers that may exist are a big concern. Some people even shy away from going to a foreign country for that very reason, even if they can afford it. Going on an Italian vacation does not mean you need to learn to speak Italian first. However, you will need some basic vocabulary to help you get around and make sense of signs or even ask for help or directions.

If the person you ask for help does not speak English, they may be able to point you in the right direction if you can say "bus stop" in Italian. Another reason to learn some the language is to enhance your experience. The words you know before you leave for your Italian vacation will serve as a basis for you to learn more words when you get there and expand your vocabulary.

Italian is considered a "Romance Language" because it is derived from Latin. It is said to be one of the closest to Latin and uses the Latin alphabet. The Italian language is characterized by the stressing of certain syllables. There are formal ways to say things and informal versions. When traveling, the informal versions would probably be most appropriate for your needs.

One of the most important reasons to learn a few Italian words is if you plan on using public transportation. Many guides, taxi drivers, and hotel employees are fluent in English, and most speak at least some English. But there are a few scenarios where you may need specific words during your Italian vacation. There are some essential words that you need to know. These are all the informal versions. Most people are familiar with the Italian word for "Yes." It is Si. No is No. If you need to say "Hello," it is Ciao. The word Ciao can also be used for "Goodbye." "How are you?" is Come stai?

Everyone will agree that you need to know how to greet during your Italian vacation. Italians are very friendly people, and to immerse yourself in the culture, you must be able to respond when you are welcomed or offer a greeting first. "Good morning" is Buon giorno! "Good afternoon" is Buona sera! "Good evening" is Buona sera! "Good night" is Buona notte! And that is in reference to sleeping well. For your Italian vacation, it is essential to learn how to say "please" and "thank you" These are Per favore and Grazie! Italian words that you will need to help you get directions to include "Where...?" which is Dove...? This is a great word to know because it will help you make all kinds of sentences, such as dove la toeletta? Where is the bathroom? Who doesn't need to know this one?

If you plan on using public transportation, at the very least, make sure you have a translator app with you for words like "left, right, north, south, east, west, bus stop, train," etc. There are many apps you can download for free that will help you learn essential words for locations you plan to travel to. You don't need to be fluent, but it goes a long way with locals that you at least try to speak the native language.

When you're ready for your Italian escape, let us help you. Pianifica una chat, ci piacerebbe aiutarti.


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